Information about the Writing Center for Your Students

The UIC Writing Center, located in 105 Grant Hall, offers free one-on-one tutoring for this course and any other writing you are doing, whether it is an assignment for another course or a personal statement or resume.

The Center is open Monday-Friday 10:00-5:00 (and until 6:00 Monday-Thursday).

You can have a session in-person in the wonderful space in 105 Grant Hall or work with a tutor online. You can make appointments at use this QR code:

What to expect when you visit?
• You and the tutor will have a friendly, back-and-forth conversation about your writing.
• Together, you will decide what’s most important for your session.

Do you have a quick question? Drop in! Drop-in hours for short sessions are from 11:00-2:00, Monday-Friday. But it’s worth dropping by at other times too. If there is a tutor available, they will help.

• It’s OK to come with no writing! Just come with a few ideas and we will work together to take the next step.
• After the session, you will receive a follow-up letter through WCONLINE. For Drop-in sessions, you will receive a brief acknowledgement that you worked with a tutor. For 50-minute sessions, the letter will be longer: tutors will summarize your work together and include what you both decided about next steps.
• Out of respect for you as the author, final decisions about changes in your writing will remain with you.

For more information visit

If you would like help making an appointment, please contact: